So it has only been two weeks and we're already closing the windows! Starting this past Friday (Sept. 14) the temperature really dropped and we even had to get out all of little Steven's winter clothes-socks, undershirts, long sleeves and jackets (Thanks Grandparents!).
Also had to report a HUGE victory-Steven is starting to sleep well and on his own! Last night it only took 5 minutes of whimpering as opposed to last week's 1 1/2 of crying. Praise the Lord! My nerves may make it through this year-now I just have to figure out how to go and get anything done in between his morning and afternoon nap-with a gap of about 45 minutes :)
On Friday we visited the Cloisters. This is a branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art that is located way North on the island-and features all Medieval Art.
The building itself is as beautiful as the paintings and statues, but the gardens were my personal favorite! Most of the building was taken from monasteries and churches in Europe and then reconstructed to look like what they would have originally looked like.
Luckily with our student IDs we didn't have to pay anything-not even the "suggested donation." So we were able to spend a couple of hours wandering through a beautiful place and not feel obligated to spend half the day because of the fee.
This was actually the first day where I realized I needed to get out the winter clothes because after our visit my sons legs were freezing and I felt like the worst mom in the world!
Steven Jr. also took a bottle for the first time today! His daddy got to feed him-we're getting him (and my emotions) ready to be able to leave him. We have already purchased Yankees Tickets and Le Miserable tickets and we plan to do lots of other things (Other shows-museums-NBA game-NHL game etc.). We also are trying to set up a baby sitting swap with a couple other families here in the dorm so that we can get out into the city by ourselves or with another couple at least every other week!
Yea for Lil' Steven taking a bottle! I think it's so special when Daddy can feed the baby. You got into the Cloisters for FREE?! We'll have to go now :)
It is good that Steven is sleeping; so Mom can also sleep. And it is good for Dad to be able to feed him.
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