Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Colleen's Birthday

So today is Colleen's birthday and this post is in honor of her! We took a quick trip to Lincoln Center to hit up the Barnes and Noble and just have a morning out in the city. We started by looking at the Lincoln Center Christmas Tree, which in my opinion is a much nicer tree than the Rockefeller tree! I have some very tangible reasons to back my opinion.
1. The Lincoln Center Tree appears to be a Frasier Fur-which is a much nicer tree
2. It actually is the shape of a Christmas tree!
3. It has ornaments
4. It twinkles with white snow flakes.
5. There were no crowds that created a panic attack type reaction for me.
All in all I would say this tree is much nicer. You should check it out if you're ever in NYC over the holidays! Here are some pictures!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a fun outing and a whole blog for me on my bday. I've never been so honored by a blog and probably never will be again.

The Breedloves said...
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Nanny said...

Thanks for information and pictures. Steven Edward looks like the little boy in "Christmas Story" in his snow suit.....
can't wait until March to see all of you.