Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sally's Visit!

We had the fun experience of Sally (Steven's Mom) coming to visit. She only had a couple days but we had such a great time. She was able to spend one entire day just being a part of our life-and then another day shopping with me in the city! She walked our streets, saw the parks where we walk and swing, went to our grocery store, met my friends, and was even able to lead our girls' dorm Bible study. It was such a blessing (so much so that as I write this my heart is sad to be alone while she is on a plane and my husband is in class, but God is faithful and I know that will pass). She arrived Sunday morning and the first thing we did was eat sweet potato pancakes and head to church. Then there was a kids' reading after church that was sponsored by the NY Times where lots of activities took place on the quad of our campus. We got to see Julie Andrews! I mean...she was totally putting a plug in for her kids' line of books-but it sure was cool to hear her voice booming through our school! I even thought about singing "You are 16 going on 17..." but I figured; a. not the first person to think of that and b. what a dumb idea.

As you can see little Steven is enthralled by this experience.

Then Sally and I spent the rest of Sunday walking through our neighborhood and doing "the things I always do." We visited the parks, walked to the store, went to the 20th floor of Riverside church, and had good conversations. Very relaxing. Monday, on the other hand, was full of activity. I needed some clothes that made me feel more adult (seeing as my husband put in a very polite plug after I had the baby that I may need to buy "more adult" everyday clothes now that I wasn't working) and some things suitable for events and plays that we attend here-so we did the typical NY thing....SHOP! Well, kind of....no Neimann Marcus or Prada...just Ann Taylor Loft (but boy is that upscale from Old Navy, which is where I usually buy my clothes!). We had lots of fun. I got lots of things that I can switch in and out to make several different outfits, all which are suitable for lots of NYC occasions. After we shopped we stopped at a world (or at least nation) renowned bakery-Magnolia Bakery. You can check it out for yourself by clicking here.They are most famous for their cupcakes. And since my husband could care less about sweets I was happy to go with Sally.

As you can see there is always a line around the corner just to get in. Here I am picking out which ones we will eat! And here we are.............

EATING!!!! Doesn't that look yummy! I found a website that you can find the recipe on if you're interested click here. Totally delicious. I think I'll make them for birthdays here! Do it NYC style!

After that we just walked around to enjoy the city. Here we are (as well as the top picture) stopped inside the original Nabisco Factory-which they have turned into the Chelsea Market. Lots of different, really cute shops and places to enjoy.

So-overall it was so much fun to have someone we love here to show around. It was nice to know what I was doing and show someone else around the places that we are beginning to call home.


Beth said...

Sounds like you all had such a blast!


The Cornwalls said...

Sounds fun!
I can't wait to come!!
I love you! Tiff

Heather said...

So neat that you get to experience the big city life....if just for a year.
Looks like you are really adjusting well.
miss you girl!!!

Jeff and Maria said...

That Carolina jacket is the best! What a cutie! Looks like you had a great time. Glad to know you guys our doing so well.

mestler said...

COURTNEY! I had already forgotten about running in to Sally at work! I am so glad you found me on the web so I could find you! Your son is precious...what a blessing! What are your plans for your year in NY?

:) Amanda

Hunt said...

i love those cupcakes.

Unknown said...

I LOVE MAGNOLIA. that's what got me through my marathon up there...and i do make those cakes for birthdays because i have the cookbook! :)

its good to hear you are doing well...