Monday, October 8, 2007

Chubby Knees & Canckles

We had a very laid back weekend. Little Steven got some new shoes from his Nanna and he looks like Robin Hood in them! They are perfect for our snowy winter here! Isn't he noble Carolina Warrior!

We made the trek to Brooklyn to have dinner with friends. It was so relaxing and little Steven was a trooper! Here is a picture of Gabe and little Steven-two Tarheel fans!

Steven was so giggly that night! Full of whole bellied laughs from the time we got there.

Then after church on Sunday we were able to go to a lady's house from our church who happened to meet Sally and Steve at their church in Chapel Hill on a visit there. On her return she phoned and invited us to lunch. It would have made Nanny Sunshine proud. Her apartment was beautifully decorated in an old fashioned Elizabethan style. We had a nice silver plate for each course and wonderful conversation. I felt like we had been transported somewhere other than Manhattan. It was lots of fun.

And then this morning my husband (in perfect Steven fashion) finished a paper 10 minutes before class. It rushed me back in time to when we were in Chapel Hill....times when he started 20 page papers the night before and still managed to get an A. I chuckled this morning as he forwent a shower in order to get to class on time, assignment in hand. I (according to one of Steven's classes) believe in fixed intelligence, which means I believe that he is naturally born with more intelligence than me (wait to yell Sally I have a point). So even though I work hard, knowing that through hard work I can also succeed, there is something about a Breedlove boy that gives him the ability to finish a paper 10 minutes before a deadline and still end up with a 4.0! That, I will never have. Let's hope little Steven got my husband's intelligence and my sense of tone and melody!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to play with little Steven! These pictures just get more and more fun. Courtney, you should know I believe in fixed intelligence as well. So ask you brilliant husband if "forwent" is the correct past form of that word. I use it too, but without little security. Miss you guys! ~CJB

The Breedloves said...

Actually I checked that one on before publishing. Don't underestimate my hard working intelligence! :)