Thursday, April 3, 2008

Steven Edward at ONE!!!

One year ago today...22 1/2 pounds and 29 inches later we have the sweetest little boy we could ask for. Now don't get me wrong, the stubbornness is still there. In fact it often rears it's ugly head in a more "one year old" way. It comes out as tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants, be it a toy, what mommy is eating, or a feeding gets taken away. It comes out as he throws handfuls of food on the floor after mommy has said "No," and smacked his hand. But even through his one year old opinions he is still a blessing. I sometimes tend to forget that when my patience is thin, but a year ago God performed a miracle in this little boy and I can see it in his eyes everyday. So what is he doing now?

-Well-he has absolutely no interest in walking. His gorilla crawl and cruising on the furniture are good enough for him....why would he need to walk. In fact he can reach about anything he needs to. It makes me laugh the way kids learn little how to stand on your tip toes and get what is at the very back of a table or the very top of a shelf.

-His two favorite new hobbies are to sneak into our room to play the guitar and to kiss himself in the mirror. The first time I saw him do it...I laughed....well from then on it stuck. Now every morning while I'm doing something he will crawl in to wake his father with a serenade and a pucker.

-He loves to shake his head no. In fact any question you ask him usually gets that response. Are you done Do you want more Steven? Strangers will wave at him and he will simply shake his head no.

-He still loves to clap, and occasionally waves. He will sometimes make an unintelligible sound as he waves which I take as goodbye.

-He is officially into every cabinet, drawer, and loves to open and close doors.


The Cornwalls said...


Rob And Son said...

Happy Happy Birthday little man!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday, Lil' Steven!!!

love, the Dubé's