Monday, April 7, 2008

New York Shopping

So, this weekend we had a blast with our good friends Peter and Carolyn. We spent our time shopping, eating, and talking....and personally my eyes were opened to a whole new New York City. On Saturday we walked 5th Avenue just south of the park and browsed in and out of the major stores. We hit Saks, Barneys....and even got some coffee at Dean & Deluca. This is where I've got to be blatantly honest .... I'd never heard of that store. It's an upscale delicatessen that spends LOTS of money on their displays and appeared in The Devil Wears Prata.

Steven and I aren't up on the movie scene and I can't remember ever reading In Style Magazine. So much of our walk was a replay of the same conversation "Surely you've heard of that brand." We would walk through all the stores absolutely amazed by the amount people will pay for crazy items just for the brand. $220 T-shirts, $300 dog collars, $150 baby dresses, and the high ticket item of the day.... $1200-$1800 handbags. There were unspoken dress codes in all of these places (which I in my North Face fleece did not exactly meet) and you could tell who was actually buying by analyzing what they were wearing. I definitely saw a girl in a huge black shirt, black spandex, with a neon 80's stretch hot pink belt. The odd thing about it was...she didn't look out of place. All of the sales people gave us a you're-not-rich-enough-to-look-here smile and asked if they could help us. We politely declined and searched through the bags on our own for the price tag. The boys even found an $800 straw hat for your days in the Hamptons! It was crazy and lots of fun. After sheer exhaustion set in we cut through the park and headed home. It was a beautiful walk...things are just starting to bloom and EVERYONE was out and about. While in the park though....we saw some crazy good roller skaters and thought you may want to catch a peak.

We are so serious about this. These people were dancing to music on their skates in front of a large crowd of people. There was no real order....just put on your skates and dance, no matter who you are or what you look like. There was even a 70 year old woman in black spandex. You really would never believe the things that are in this city unless you see them. That is definitely why I put on the video.

Then Sunday we had a great brunch, walked the Brooklyn Bridge and hung out in the village. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera...AGAIN! After the Jamieson's left Steven said, "you like Carolyn, don't you; you guys sure were laughing a lot." I thought that was a good summary of our time. Lots of wandering, lots of good food, and lots of laughing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The only time I read In Style is at the Jamieson's house and really can't remember the last movie I went to. So I feel very smart in being able to tell you that the funniest thing about your post is I know you spelled Prada wrong. Yes, I'm very style conscious.