Monday, March 3, 2008

Steven Edward at 11 Months! son is eleven months today! In exactly a month he will be a year old. Somehow I don't feel like this year of my life has actually passed...somehow I have stood still and only he has aged (this may not make any sense at all). So what is he doing now? Well....

*He is just as finicky as he once was with food-but this time it more depends on the day. Some days he wants an adult spoon and the next he's fine with a baby spoon. Some days he wants a banana and the next he shows me his true feelings about them by throwing them on the floor. Oh that's right...I said throwing them on the floor.

*He is currently trying to drop himself down to one nap a day. A little early you say? Well this wasn't my timing. One nap a day, and you never know which one, he spends time working on his crib pastimes. His favorites at the moment include banging the wall (this is only secondary to pulling down the mobile...which we had to remove because he was chewing on the pooh figures), putting teeth marks in the rails, throwing his lamb out and staring at it on the ground, and jumping in his bed. Well...jump is a figure of speech because he doesn't actually leave the ground. He just bounces his knees up and down with a big grin on his face. He usually does this until he decides it's a good time for a dirty diaper and at this point he spends the rest of his "nap time" crying. So I am currently debating dropping one nap all together.

*He is walking all over the house by holding on to us, walls, furniture etc., but he shows no desire of doing this on his own.

* He has recently learned to clap and is super proud of himself for it! He crawls a couple feet and turns to look at me and claps. His favorite places to do this is when he is eating, both in his high chair and while he

*He can wave and does it when he wants to. But not always when I want him to. A couple Sundays ago he was waving up a storm to the woman behind us....but say goodbye and expect a thanks mom.

*He has just started to show signs of intelligence-he plays peek-a-boo on his own initiative and he is aware of where his toys go. He has this firetruck with little holes for his firemen to go in, and he always tries to put them back into the hole. This is just after he has chewed on them for about 10 minutes. These men are currently going through mouth safety courses beside my husband's computer to avoid the losing of paint on their clothing.

* He has discovered things that open. This would include cabinets, drawers, and lest we forget toilets and trash cans.

*He has discovered doing things when I'm not looking. The most obvious involves throwing his finger foods off his tray when I have slipped out sight or am not paying attention. This is something he knows he is not allowed to do and will get him a pop on the hand...but none the less he does it and waits for the punishment. To which he looks at me and with a delayed reaction pokes out his lip and starts to cry.

*He has six teeth-four up top and two on the bottom.

*He has just taken to "swimming" on the carpet. He lays flat on his stomach, kicks his legs, looks up at us and cackles!

*He wakes up to the flushing of a toilet but he can sleep through a fire alarm (so we figured out tonight when I was cooking). Go figure!

1 comment:

The Cornwalls said...

Man he is doing a lot!!
I can't wait to SEE him in 2 days!!!

:) Tiffany