Tuesday, November 13, 2007

10 Things I've Noticed About New Yorkers!

1. They don't say 'mam. In fact I was trying to get the attention of a lady in front of me in line because I thought she had forgotten one of her items, and I said "Mam. Excuse me mam." I had to say it several times. She eventually turned around and remarked to her friend that I had called her that. To which I replied..."um...yea, Southern habit. People up here are not so used to that." She smile and said, "how cute." (REALLY....how cute. I'm 26 years old and pushing a stroller and she replies how cute!)

2. No one speaks to people they don't know. If this rule is broken they look at you like you are crazy. No one speaks on the subway. Even if you get on with a friend, you both bring a book and sit and read to keep each other company. They are more likely to talk to you if you have a baby, that seems to break all codes.

3. If rain is forcasted, all the girls wear knee high rain boots. I'm talkin bright yellow, puddle stompin rain boots! The first time I saw a girl with them on I almost laughed out loud. Good thing I kept it in because eventually I realized everyone had them on.

4. No one leaves a note if they hit your car. In fact they will run right into you when they're parking and think nothing of it.

5. Shopping carts are the same as snow plows for people-for my purpose we'll call them people plows. The first few times I went to a big store that actually had carts, I was convinced that my stress level upon leaving was based on the fact that I'd only been in little markets and that one must have had a lot of things. WRONG...it's the carts that do me in. Northerns just run those people plows right down an aisle and you better watch out. How I miss the Southern grocery stores where people help you if you drop something, where they use words like mam, where large aisles are the norm, and where I can put my car seat in the cart!

6. Ground breakfast sausage (Jimmy Dean) doesn't exist. I tried asking for ground sausage at a meat counter and they looked at me like they had never heard of ground sausage!

7. Excuse me is not a polite term up here. It is said in every tone of voice and often is used as you push someone out of your way.

8. Pizza boys deliver on bicycles. In fact, on a Friday or Saturday night if you pass a local pizza place there are 4-5 of them lined up at the door, helmet in hand, waiting for the next hot pizza to come out.

9. No one buys economy or family sized anything....anything from shampoo to toilet paper rolls. Probably because a 500 square foot apartment in considered big in this city-where the heck would they put it?

10. They are all genuinely nice people...they just tend to be in a hurry to get from one place to another.


Beth said...

These are so true! A lot of them I think I've figured out are just plain ol' big cities: the whole not talking to strangers thing, the cart thing, the not being able to find common household things thing. I love #1!


chris.to.pher said...

sounds like Seoul, but with less english.

Beth said...

By the way...you've been tagged for a meme. Come on over to my blog to check out the details.


The Cornwalls said...

Very cute ;)
Love you!