Monday, January 28, 2008

Stubborn as an Steven Edward

I left the "an" in the title because all I did was substitute one noun for another and I didn't think I should change the indefinite article.

First of all, who knew that kids before the age of one were stubborn. I've watched many parents attempting to convince their children to do things. Often the child would win and I would say to myself...obviously they made a mistake earlier in the parenting that set them up for this moment. When the child has a tantrum and the parent can't control them, obviously they didn't discipline early enough. When a child refuses to eat the parent obviously didn't make them eat the right food early enough. These are all parenting mistakes, right?! Well...ha! My how the tables have turned.

We have the sweetest child...everyone remarks. He has such a sweet disposition...they all say. Well yes, you're right...but he also has a crazy stubborn streak. From looking at all past generations I have come to the conclusion this must be from the Breedlove side of the family because NO ONE on my side has any trace of such a trait.

It all started when he didn't want us to feed him a cheerio. After all, it is a finger food and he would only eat it if he could feed it to himself. If I put one in his mouth he would actually pull it out so that he could put it back in himself. It continued as he refused to take any form of medicine. It takes at least 2 people to force feed him anything. In fact, sometimes 2 people and an ER nurse (who is sure she can do it by herself) are quite unsuccessful. It continued as he decided not to take anything off a spoon. He would scream and moan for 30 minutes straight. But if you take the same food and tear it into bite size pieces he was fine. Or actually, if I put his spoon on his tray with food on it, he would pick it up himself and put it in his mouth. It continued as he decided that he would try spoons again, but only if they are adult metal spoons. None of those silly rubber coated baby spoons for him! In fact, he is now to the point where he only wants to eat from an adult spoon if you are not holding his feeding bowl. Can we say irrational? Who would have thought that I would have an irrational child. Go figure. One could conclude that the antibiotic that he is on (which he will be done with on Thursday) which causes vomiting and diarrhea, may also cause stubbornness. But this may also be a Steven Edward trait that existed as he cried for 1 hour and 45 minutes before he fell asleep on his own as an infant. Not sure-but I may be seeing a trend.


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having a (Breedlove) son try to exert control over his environment in an irrational manner. Every morning my almost 2 year old eats cereal with yogurt. And he loves it- definitely his biggest meal of the day. This morning there was something wrong with it. Unfortunately it took him 20 minutes before he decided what exactly would fix it -when he pointed at the milk jug I use with my cereal. Of course- his father had given him milk on his cereal this weekend, so now that would fix the problem. Naturally eating milk off a spoon isn't the easiest thing, even for you and I some mornings. But (quite proudly) I didn't yell at him or lose my temper and little Maggie just stayed quietly on my bed while this went on- good since the boy was in my arms this whole time. Children...

Beth said...

Ooooo, it's just a taste! I'm with ya....I was the best parent before I actually had kids. And, I was the second best before the only thing I know is that I actually know nothing!


Caroline said...

I love this story. What a personality!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pictures. Looks like you had a fun time w/the Breedloves. Hope I can keep up in 2 weeks.

Nanny said...

Thanks for the pictures. Looks like you had a fun time w/the Breedloves. Hope I can keep up in 2 weeks.